| 1. | The books and study and regular classes keep you alive mentally . 书籍,学习和正规课程使人思想活跃。 |
| 2. | Class is a regular class then it is cast to type class 是常规类)的派生类,则它被转换成 |
| 3. | The regular class tuition above includes the textbook , workbooks , and insurance fee 普通班以上费用包括课本、补充教材、及保险费。 |
| 4. | What irritates me is that the guy in the regular class may surpass me in class rank 刺激我的事情是那个在普通班的家伙有可能在班级排名上超过我。 |
| 5. | One - on - one counseling , guidance for post - secondary education advancement and supplementary instructions are held after regular class hours 个别面谈,升学商谈,补习授课等在课馀时间举行。 |
| 6. | By attending these activities , you can usually pick up extra details that you might have missed during the regular class 通过参加这些活动,你可以学到一些你可能在平时的课堂上学不到的细节。 |
| 7. | Not satisfied with the heavy load of regular classes for their children , many parents send their youngsters to after - hours programs 由于对孩子们正常课程的重大负荷仍不满足,很多家长把孩子送到校外补习班学习。 |
| 8. | Kurlan found that just under 20 percent of children in regular classes and up to 27 percent of children in special education classes showed signs of tics 发现不到20 %的普通班孩子和高达27 %的特教班孩子有抽搐的表现。 |
| 9. | Miscellaneous fee includes textbooks for regular classes , exercise books , additional iep worksheets , excursions ( excluding school uniforms ) 学杂费包括主流班课本,练习册,强化班作业,学习用品,春秋游. (不包括校服) 。 |
| 10. | Now that we have taken the online course , instead of feeling embarrassed when making mistakes in the regular class , we should reap some benefits from it 既然我们上网络课程,而不再因在普通课堂上出错感到难堪,那我们就应从网上学习中有所收获。 |